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Talks / guidance to the wider public

One of our aims at AAS is to help people understand astronomy. This might be through talks to local clubs and societies, talks to schools, or help with astronomy badges to scout and guide groups. Talks can be at any level; routinely we help local groups understand the night sky and what they can see, as well as helping individuals or groups to set up and get the best use out of astronomy equipment.

We can tailor talks to your needs, and can cover most astronomy topics, at both an introductory and slightly more advanced level. 

We have a certain amount of equipment we can use to help our talks come to life, such as meteorite samples, leaflets on astronomy and astronomy equipment. 

If you would like us to give a talk or help with any aspect of understanding astronomy, please contact us through our email address:

All photographs on this website are the copyright of AAS members.  Please contact AAS before using them.